
Yourfaviconmustbeamultipleof48pxsquare,forexample:48x48px,96x96px,144x144pxandsoon(orSVGwitha1:1(square)aspectratio).Anyvalidfavicon ...,Afaviconalsoknownasashortcuticon,websiteicon,tabicon,URLicon,orbookmarkicon,isafilecontainingoneormoresmalliconsassociatedwitha ...,Favicondimensionsvarybasedonwheretheywillbeused.Themostcommonfaviconsizeis16x16pixels.,2023年2月16日—Inthisarticle,we'lldetermi...

Define Website Favicon for Search Results

Your favicon must be a multiple of 48px square, for example: 48x48px, 96x96px, 144x144px and so on (or SVG with a 1:1 (square) aspect ratio). Any valid favicon ...


A favicon also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons associated with a ...

Favicon Size Best Practices

Favicon dimensions vary based on where they will be used. The most common favicon size is 16x16 pixels.

Favicon Size in 2023

2023年2月16日 — In this article, we'll determine what favicon size suits the most for particular purposes and what general dimensions for favicons there are.

Favicon Standard - 2024

2018年2月23日 — The standard favicon size in browsers is still 16x16 points corresponding to 32x32 pixels on high resolution screens. There is no need to still ...


2024年1月1日 — According to Google's guidelines Favicons must be a multiple of 48px squares for example: 48x48px, 96x96px, 144x144px and so on. SVG files don't ...

How to Add a Favicon to your Site

However, the format for the image you have chosen must be 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels, using either 8-bit or 24-bit colors. The format of the image must be ...

How to Favicon in 2024

2024年1月29日 — Prefer SVG over PNG, trust browsers to downscale, drop obscure formats—the ultimate, exhaustive guide to favicons for modern web.

The What, Why, & How of Making a Favicon for Your Website

2024年1月5日 — What size is a favicon? The optimal size for favicons is 16x16 pixels. That's how they appear in browser tabs, address bars, and bookmark lists.


ico. The most common favicon formats are ICO, PNG, and SVG, but there are additional formats for specific browsers or devices. The ICO file format was developed by Microsoft and is the original file format for the favicon. The format is unique because it